10666 White Oak Avenue
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Where there’s thirst, there’s need. We reach out to communities, both locally and abroad. In keeping with the guidelines from the General Federation of Women's Clubs, we concentrate our efforts in the following Community Service areas and Special Projects:
Community Service:
Art& Culture- which includes art in the community, photography, support of museums and theaters, and crafts.
Conservation - which includes beautification (Penny Pines and gardens), conservation (recycling), wildlife protection, proper care for domesticated animals (Blankets of Love) and tree planting.
Education & Libraries - which includes literacy for adults and children (tutoring, support of libraries), and lifelong learning (scholarships, support for local schools and libraries).
Health & Wellness - which includes those activities that focus on the well-being of individuals, families and communities. This includes work for food pantries, homeless shelters, hospitals, cancer support and services for the handicapped.
Civic Engagement & Outreach - which includes activities designed to connect members with projects relating to civic engagement focusing on Citizenship (Chamber of Commerce, S.O.L.I.D., Devonshire Pals), Veterans Affairs (coupons for military families, For the Troops), Emergency Preparedness, and Safety, both at home and in the community.
Special Projects:
Domestic & Sexual Violence Prevention and Awareness. The General Federation of Women's Clubs is a national leader in the fight to end domestic violence by raising awareness of this social issue and helping those who are the victims. In the local area, we support Haven Hills and Alexandria House (domestic violence shelters) and the Center for Assault Treatment Services (C.A.T.S.).
Advocates for Children. This special project is designed to education, advocate and engage in projects concerning the well-being of children via health, social and safety programs.
General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC)
California Federation of Women's Clubs (CFWC)
Sierra-Cahuenga District (SCD) Granada Hills Chamber of CommerceCopyright 2014. Granada Hills Woman's Club.
All Rights Reserved.
California Federation of Women's Clubs (CFWC) Copyright 2014. Granada Hills Woman's Club.
Sierra-Cahuenga District (SCD) All Rights Reserved