10666 White Oak Avenue
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Club Motto - In Union There is Strength
Colors - Yellow and White
Flower - Orange Blossom
Current President's Theme -
Rise and Shine
General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC)
California Federation of Women's Clubs (CFWC)
Sierra-Cahuenga District (SCD)
Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce
In the 1920's, Granada was a sparsely settled community with little social diversion. Sarah N. Butler and her husband, retired L.A.Chief of Police John L. Butler, built the first home here in 1926 following the subdivision of the huge 1,200 acre Sunshine Ranch. On October 31, 1927, Sarah recruited 10 other women to join the first meeting of the Granada Woman's Club. In those early meetings, they set goals to provide much needed social diversion for the community,and to raise money while doing so. The club held the dream of a clubhouse almost from the beginning and began a building fund within that first year.
From the first, they were interested in civic affairs and were instrumental in gaining many of the early improvements such as obtaining a public library and a school in Granada. They participated in the opening of the Sepulveda Tunnel in 1930. This enthusiasm and involvement in education and community affairs has continued to this day. In 1935 the Club became a member of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs (CFWC) and in 1956 joined the Sierra-Cahuenga District #15. In December 1939, the Club was incorporated by the State of California as a non-profit philanthropic organization. When the community changed its name to Granada Hills in 1942, so did the Woman’s Club. The dream of building a clubhouse was made a reality in 1954 when the present clubhouse was opened..
Their interest in civic and cultural affairs continues to this day.
The Granada Hills Woman's Club is a philanthropic organization. This Club cooperates with the State and General Federations in promoting charitable, educational and service programs within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and preserving and caring for our historic clubhouse. We are be nonprofit, nonpartisan, and nondenominational.
General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC)
California Federation of Women's Clubs (CFWC)
Sierra-Cahuenga District (SCD) Granada Hills Chamber of CommerceCopyright 2014. Granada Hills Woman's Club.
All Rights Reserved.
California Federation of Women's Clubs (CFWC) Copyright 2014. Granada Hills Woman's Club.
Sierra-Cahuenga District (SCD) All Rights Reserved